「最も長く続いている野外彫刻展」UBEビエンナーレ ギネス世界記録™公式認定
1961年から始まったUBEビエンナーレが、2024年3月26日に「最も長く続いている野外彫刻展(The longest-running outdoor sculpture competition)」として、ギネス世界記録™に認定されました。
UBEビエンナーレは、戦後のまちの美化と心の豊かさを求める市民運動を きっかけに、1961年「第1回宇部市野外彫刻展」として始まりました。そ して、現在の「UBEビエンナーレ(現代日本彫刻展)」に至るまでの60年以上、 野外彫刻の国際コンクールとして2年に1度、定期開催を続けています。
最新作を鑑賞できる野外彫刻展には、国内外から約10万人の来場者を迎え ます。 宇部市内に設置された野外彫刻は200点を超え、国内屈指のコレクション として、市街地や公園など市内のいたるところで常設展示された多彩な アートに出会うことができます。
Guinness World Records™
Town Revitalization Nippon Certified
“The Longest-Running Outdoor Sculpture Competition”
UBE Biennale (International Sculpture Competition)
March 26, 2024
The UBE Biennale, which began in 1961, was officially recognized by Guinness World Records™ on March 26, 2024, as “The longest-running outdoor sculpture competition.”
The UBE Biennale originated in 1961 with the “1st Ube Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition” as part of a citizens’ movement seeking to beautify the city and enrich lives in the postwar era. Over the more than 60 years until now, it has evolved into what is now known as the UBE Biennale (International Sculpture Competition) and has continued to be held biennially as an international outdoor sculpture competition.
The outdoor sculpture exhibition, showcasing the latest works, attracts approximately 100,000 visitors from Japan and abroad.
Ube City is home to over 200 outdoor sculptures, making it one of Japan’s most prominent collections. These diverse works of art are permanently displayed throughout the city, including urban areas and parks, offering a rich cultural experience at every turn.
Record name: The longest-running outdoor sculpture competition
Record: 62 years
Record holder: UBE Biennale
Date of certification: March 26, 2024